Sunday 15 May 2011

Pirate Pox

This piece is a birthday picture for my big sister Rhian (Or Yanna Spanna as she is otherwise known).
When we were in primary school we both caught chicken pox - Spanna was first to catch it. Whilst she was too contagious to go to school, but feeling perfectly fine (if a little spotty), she decided to turn the living room into a pirate themed play area in time for my arrival home from school! She baked pieces of eight and made us a pirate ship from various household items including most of the sheets from the airing cupboard. This new illustration depicts that day..


  1. This is amazing!!! I really love it!!!
    Golden memories xxxx

  2. Ohh Mummy you are funny! Thank you ^_^ xx

  3. I love this kauren, such a great birthday present! xx

  4. Fantastic! Your style inspired me so much for my children illustrations. From now I'll follow your blog! See you soon!

  5. Thanks Claudio! Lovely to hear that my work has inspired you! ^_^
